In a bid to put an end to indiscipline and corruption ravaging the country, a group, War Against Indiscipline an Corruption – Squad (WAIC- SQUAD) has vowed to rally no fewer than one million Nigerians to support President-Elect Muhammed Buhari  reduce the incidences of corruption and indiscipline in the society.

According to the convener, Dr Uche Diala, the mission of the group is to build an army of patriotic Nigerians who will be active and effective partners with the government at all levels in fighting indisciplne and corruption. He added that the vision of the group is fight for a new and disciplined Nigeria where corruption will be reduced to such an extent that Nigerians will no longer be slaves to corruption and indiscipline.  

“Dear friends, this group is conceived as a serious, non-partisan, national project championed by deicated and patriotic  Nigerians who are committed to helping eradicate the twin cancers of indiscipline and corruption in our dear nation”, he said.

Already and online platform has been formed with over 500 people joining in the last few days. Some of the members who joined the facebook community expressed joy over the development and assured the convener and Nigerians of their support to rid the country of corruption and indiscipline.

“I am in and every ready to work towards remaking and reawakening Nigeria to her gory era. We crave for change and this change must be complete in all ramifications”, Amaechi Chukwuma one of the members said.

Commenting on the war against indiscipline and corruption waged by the Tunde Idiagbon/ Buhari regime 31 years ago, the convener insisted that since the end of their regime thing have gone from bad to worse arguing that successive governments have done little to curb them.
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“Today, 31 years later, General Tunde Idiagbon could have madde the very same statement and stil be right. In fact things have gone worse.
The gains of War Against Indiscipline have all be reversed as our nation have sunk deep institutional indiscipline and to make matters worse, corruption has reached monstrous heights, both in private and government life. Our nation stands a real danger of failing if these cancers are not decisively dealt with.

Unfortunately, successive governments after the Buhari/Idiagbon led government have paid little or at best half-hearted attention to addressing these monsters. In fact the fight against indiscipline could be said to have been completely abandoned leading to the notion that Nigeria is one of t he most undisciplined nations in the world”, he said.

While stressing that the fight against corruption and indiscipline was a national assignment, he noted that the group will have a national, zonal, state and local government structures with President Elect Muhammed Buhari as Disciplinarian in Chief.

“This is a national assignment and will include and impact positively on every citizen. To ensure that our goals and aspirations are realized, WAIC Squad will have a national, zonal, state and LGA structures with president elect Muhammed Buhari as Disciplinarian –in –Chief”, he said.,
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