'We must work as critical partners in development'



Great Imo Stars!

It is a humble priviledge for me and the members of the new National Executive Council of our great Alumni association to step into the shoes of Enyioha Chris Anyanwu and members of the outgoing executive Council. We all agreed to commit ourselves to serve the Alumni Association before we presented ourselves for election into the NEC and we wish to use this opportunity to thank the delegates for finding us worthy of their trust and their votes. We will try to live up to our commitment by propagating at all times, the mantra of this administration #AlumniSpirit #Relationship

We wish to request that  the past executive Council members kindly guide and direct us as we navigate the ship of our Association moving forward.

Our Alumni Association is non partisan and therefore, has not endorsed and cannot endorse any political party candidate for election. But our members can ply their political trade in their individual capacities in political parties of their choice.

The Alumni Association is a development partner and critical stakeholder in the development of Imo State through partnership with the Imo State University, Imo State Government, Organised Private Sector, International Development Organisations, The Media, Students, Civil Society Organisations, etc. The Association recognises the compelling need to identify with the dynamics of contemporary development exigencies and move with the tide towards developing our members' capacities to contribute to the building and development of society in different areas of human endeavour.

Each time we gather together like this, it reminds us how far we have come from our undergraduate days and  reinforces the unity of purpose, which has helped bring us to this level of development as an Alumni Association. We plead that we bury our differences in the interest of this alumni built on love, mutual friendship, welfare, brotherliness and sisterhood, irrespective of class, year of graduation, course of study, or level in society. We have been together recognising the need for mutual respect. Indeed, we are better together.

We need to strengthen our capacity to drive membership by launching the #AlumniSpirit and recognising #Relationship ambassadors. We need to review our constitution to be in tune with the realities of our existence as Alumni. We need to set up a mechanism for more constructive engagement with the university community for mutual benefit by pushing for effective Alumni representation in the Governing Council of Imo State University. We need to set our account records straight to avoid discrepancies and complaints. We need to create a cooperative that will assist our members in their quest and strive for economic empowerment and self reliance.

We plead with the Vice Chancellor and the management of the Imo State University to sustain the cordial relationship existing between the university and the Alumni Association. We urge our leaders to assist us and buy into our laudable and noble programs. We need our members especially the young ones to feel proud of being part of this family that looks out for one another. It will increase their responsibility levels and our capacity to develop a healthy leadership orientation and entrench a constructive succession plan in our alumni association.

We are adopting a committee approach to our assignments and we urge our members wherever they are to avail themselves in any capacity they are called upon to serve.

We plead that attendance to monthly meetings in the various Chapters be imbibed as a way of life by our members. That way, we bond better, brainstorm deeper and achieve more.

The growth and development of the Imo State University Alumni Association is the collective responsibility of all well meaning graduates of Imo State University. It doesn't matter where you are, the year you graduated, the course of study, the class and the level in the society. What matters is that this is our own Alumni and we must give it a name, contribute to its activities and programs, and make it work.

On behalf of the National Executive Council of our great Alumni, I wish to thank our past Presidents, National Executive Councils and the Board of Trustees for setting the foundation for the formation of our great Alumni association. We thank the Transition Committee that organised this event and all men and women of goodwill that contributed to the success of this event.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy New year in advance.

May God be with Imo State University Alumni Association.

Ezeala Ferdinand Akano, MA, MIRSS, B.Sc.
National President.



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