Umunumo is located somewhere in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area of Imo state. I bet not many people have heard the name but there is always a first time (so you have heard the name now). It is the place of my birth and every year since I was born, I keep returning to place of my root to see my kit and kin.

For the records, it comprises of ten large communities and all of them are yet to develop. Tarred roads are few, health care centres are even fewer. I am yet to drink from a public water tap in my village. Though my people pay huge sums of money, electricity has eluded them. I always put my 11kva (noisemaker) generating set in my boot when I am travelling as an alternative source of power. Many of my mates in the villages are still roaming the streets. Employment seems to be a mirage for them. They look at those in the city with envy and are always expecting something from them. Of course this is not part of our culture but they cannot help the situation.

However, the least the governor and government of Imo state could do is to grade some of the roads and tar a few others.
As educated as I am, I understand that bad road network is not one of the major problems of our people after all very early in the morning many old women trek the long raod to Orieagu to sell and buy wares.

However, death has been on the increase in the rural areas including Umunumo as the government has turned a blind eye to it. Health of the old and young people who struggled to queue up to vote out a so called “arrogant dictator” has been relegated to the background. Youths roam the street in search of what to do. Many who are frustrated take to either stealing or drug abuse. Are you surprised that when you travel to the village, you are shown new intakes into the hemp smoking crew(those who have signed up for destruction).

The widows and widowers are left to fend for themselves even when they have worked out themselves in service of humanity.
It is in this light that an accomplished man started an online community of progressives who will drive development to the grassroot and open up the community for long term development.

So when you hear Umunumo Platform, it is a forum of professionals who share one thing in common-development. Just like the motto of the group suggests, one for all for one “onye aghala nwanne ya”, it is crystal clear that all members share the same viewpoint when it comes to opening up the community to the world through development and partnership.
In less than four months, the support the group received has been tremendous and members joining the online community on facebook  keep increasing by the day. Groups and individuals have not only joined but have continued to pledge their support and loyalty for whatever Umunumo Platform stands for.

In taking the online forum to the next level and in the spirit of touching lives positively, an Annual Home Coming was founded. This is the first edition of the event.
According to the Coordinator, the home coming “will provide a platform for all Umunumo Ama irii sons and daughters based at home and abroad to network, socialize and most importantly forge a common front to tackle some (if not all) the developmental challenges facing the community”.

A brainchild of the Umunumo Platform, the three-day event will feature prayer and fasting session, interdenominational praise and worship, Health / Charity day, Charity Run, motivational talks, Career talk shows and of course dance competitions.

The theme of the annual home coming is ‘connecting to sustainable development’. It is only another pointer to the fact that both the forum and members are out to touch lives positively and ensure that Umunumo keys into development; a development that will stand the taste of time; a development that will affect both old and young positively; a development that will elongate the lives of the old; a development that will reduce maternal and child mortality; a development that will provide jobs for youths; a development that will mentor youths to great career paths; a development that will ensure food security; a development that will protect the environment; a development that will secure the future of generations to come.

In this light, a coordinating team comprising top notch professionals and experts in their various fields of endeavour was formed. At the moment, team leaders, assistant team leader and members are working round the clock to ensure that they do not record any failure anywhere.
I have no doubt in my mind that this event will be a resounding success. For one, I am part of teams working to ensure its success. (So I am telling you now first hand that the success I expect is unrivalled) Again, the cream of people working together and the level of commitment they have put in strengthen my belief that our brothers and sisters in the villages are in for a big surprise this December. The endorsement and followership recorded sends the signal that Umunumo Platform is coming out with a big bang this.

Many events are clashing and many prominent people are in contact with Umunumo Platform to adjust their own time table. This only shows their acceptability and endorsement of Umunumo Platform as a force to reckon with now and in the future.

Elsewhere, a group of backbenchers and losers are planning to ensure that they thwart the efforts of many months and many credible people and credible associations. It started with the forming of a sister online forum of people bereft of ideas. The group known for their intellectual dwarfishness are in the habit of cloning activities of Umunumo Platform and poaching members.Many of them have been spreading rumour that there is a covert interest in the formation of the platform. 

To this, I say: small minds discuss people; big minds discuss ideas. Time will tell who has an ulterior motive.
But we are not troubled. We are on course and Umunumo must develop (by fire by force). With God on our side and with the type of commitment we have success is ours.

If you are still warming the bench, sitting on the fence, watching as events unfold, my dear, you are wasting your time. Join the winning team and make a mark in your village so that you shall be remembered.

In every 12 there is a Judas, don’t be the Judas be positive, 
Development is it!


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